Thursday, June 28, 2007

Totoro is abroad...

It seems so many beautiful people I know are experiencing times of learning and change and of new territories. Andy in Taipei, Libby on the farm, Arne in China, Seth in Germany soon... Arne sent a huge email with stories from China, and reading it made my heart feel golden again.

I started The God of Small things, it's beautiful... though a critical sense of how it's working is fuzzy but promising... and sometimes it makes my stomach turn uncomfortable ways... things about children and the theory of
the soul knowing all at birth, innocently and gradually losing it in distraction until death, the final "Eureka!" and how those "adults" no longer in-the-know sometimes perpetuate this ignorance and in one instant, bring their children into it.
"A little less Ammu loved her..."

I also thought a lot more about the Sopranos ending, I liked it when I watched it and thinking about it makes it even better and in a strange fit of .... I don't know what, had a talk with my mother about cashiers at K-Mart being false consumers in an empty transaction....

I'm feeling electric again, I was feeling like a slab of slate that knew it could become a lightning rod before...

it's one of those times where I feel like composing but I know that later when I can think it will be better, for now I can only revel in the shower of sparks...
it's the night of a thunderstorm and we're all the sky turning green and the wind, and the wind...

And Another...

Strange, but when I drove home yesterday I saw ANOTHER Great Blue Heron... this time flying over my car...


Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Double Instant Karma

Today is my unofficial day of leave (Leave MSU->LO) for Ireland. The morning passed rather uneventfully, until about 10:30, there was an abrupt darkness and rainstorm which was fun to walk into and out of.
This was the first good omen; rain on a day of departure=good experiential harvest.

On the way to the Writing Center, I saw a strange shape against the flooding Red Cedar. It was white and sharp and scary looking. I thought at first it was an emaciated swan (definitely a bad thing as far as luck goes) but in fact it was a beautiful Great Blue Heron! I think that it was fishing for its lunch, it was certainly making neck-swooping moves and little head dives towards the water, but it stopped short of putting its head in or getting in.
This was the second good omen; great blue herons, predatorial birds of elegance= I will make a killing, learning wise... and Ireland will be beautiful :).